Archive for January, 2010

Chapter 1 // Episode 7

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

Chapter 1 // Episode 6

Monday, January 11th, 2010

Frakkin’ A

Monday, January 11th, 2010

Since I’m currently in China (on the most southern island at 25 degrees, surrounded by palms, yes, even right now, to be precise) I’m neither able to access facebook nor my blog and am therefore totaly clueless of whats going on out there.

It it werent for Felix, sending me screenshots and feedbacks out of the real internet, I would still think nobody reads our brainchild. I had no idea that actually so many people are already reading and enjoying it. (unless your facebook is lying) And thats frakkin’ great cause Felix and me spent the last three month planning, scripting, scribbling, rewriting and whatnot on this monster. And that actual people outside our heads are also having fun reading it, is a giant relieve and greatnes beyond words. (even though you have no clue what you got yourselfes into)

Of course we would have done it anyways, for this tale of fiction is by now more than a story or a tale, but a living, breathing creature, constantly growing and expanding in its masters minds.

So be ready to have a great time with us.

With love out of Chinas Hawaii,


Chapter 1 // Episode 5

Sunday, January 10th, 2010

Chapter 1 // Episode 4

Saturday, January 9th, 2010