Archive for September, 2010

Main Character Concepts

Monday, September 20th, 2010

Now more of our main characters. Descriptive: Harper, Sneaky and Room. Enjoy. Or not. They are pretty concepty after all…

Up next: More concepts! Yay!

– K

Chapter 3 // Episode 40

Monday, September 20th, 2010

And there’s something new on the Blog.

Chapter 3 // Episode 39

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Cull Haven Concepts

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010


ToF is running for over six months now, and here’s our 5th (!) Blog entry. That’s not bad, huh?

To be honest, there’s a ton of cool stuff we could post here all the time. And since we covered some (plot-wise) good ground by now, we are finally able to show some of the concepts, without spoilering (is that even a word?) the crap out of you. Let’s start with some good old Cull Haven concepts.

(and they are clickable)

First rough sketch of C.H. from the air.

A more detailed view of C.H. On the right side is the still undestroyed C.H. Arc, reaching over the canyon.

– K

Chapter 3 // Episode 38

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

Take a look at the Blog. Yeah, really.