Archive for May, 2011

Chapter 7 // Opening

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

Whoa! It’s decided! Thank you all for voting for Sneaky’s humanform. We hadn’t expected turf battles of this amount and feel warmly delighted by all the commitment you showed for your favored form. Your efforts and comments won’t be forgotten…

Now on to a new chapter of Tale of Fiction! Take a look at the Dragbook’s new contents, it’s worth it!

Chapter 6 // Finale

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

Chapter 6 // Episode 4

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

Since most (or some) of you noticed the rather sporadic manner in which Bison & the Boar Boys has been updated lately, we hereby announce a short brake (only for BBB,  ToF will go on as usual) but promise to return to updates twice a week again, soon. This sucks balls, we know.