Archive for December, 2012

Chapter 13 // Episode 18

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

And with this we’re taking a break from our usual schedule to return on the 14th of January.

We realize it’s frakking evil to do this at this particular point in the story, but you have to trust us if we say that this is by far the best possible option.

Except for not taking a break at all. But since all three of Felix, Kili and Lukas are on vacation in Hong Kong right now (possibly very drunk and on very irresponsible behaviour) to return just for the holiday festivities (to continue with the drinking and the irresponsibilites) and our badly trained groundhogs still can’t be bothered to work conscientious without human supervision (those bastards) that ain’t an option.

But, you know, sometimes you have to stop and ask yourself “What would Sneaky, Harper and Room do?” and realize you don’t neccecarily have to be reasonable all the time and just continue. With the drinking. And the irresponsibilities. And those things. You should do it too. Especially on the holidays.

Anyway. We will see you in 2013 (providing we stay sane/alive/human/not-turned-into-flesh-eating-killer-robots-with-sociopathic-tendencies past the 22nd of December), wish you the best for the holidays and a happy new year and all that shit.

We love you and hope you don’t hate us too much right now.

And if you’re still looking for presents for your family, friends or former/present enemies, go buy them one of our beautiful DUF mugs. They will love it. And we will. Which would be pretty great as well.


– The Masterminds

Chapter 13 // Episode 17

Monday, December 10th, 2012

Chapter 13 // Episode 16

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

Chapter 13 // Episode 15

Monday, December 3rd, 2012