Archive for May, 2016

Intermission // Episode 69

Monday, May 30th, 2016

And messed up we are indeed. We had an incredible time at the Comic Salon and we’re still paying the hairy price! Thanks to all of you, our awesomatic fans (old, new and freaked out) and fantastalicious helpers (you know who you are, and you’re the best) who showed up to help us empty our supply of “cleansing” beverages we had the most magiqual, bonkered out time we could hope to have!

So, yeah… thanks! We’ll be back to normal episodes (we know you hate these intermission things) on Thursday!

Intermission // Episode 68

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

We’ll be at the Comic-Salon in Erlangen this week! On the 27th and 28th on the first floor of the Rathaus (Hall H) with the neon green Comic Solidarity bunch!

And this time we  come bearing nice stuff for small gelders for you to take home and enjoy thoroughly! What are we talking about?? THIS! (click the pictures for a better view)

Can’t make it to the Comic Salon but still want some? Write us at And don’t fret if we take some time responding, as we’ll be pretty busy this week…

So come by and have a delicious shot with us, because that’s still what we do!

We’ll be back with regular episodes the comic Thursday, June 2nd! Sorry about that…

Intermission // Episode 67

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

We’ll be at the Comic-Salon in Erlangen this week! On the 27th and 28th on the first floor of the Rathaus (Hall H) with the neon green Comic Solidarity bunch!

And this time we  come bearing nice stuff for small gelders for you to take home and enjoy thoroughly! What are we talking about?? THIS! (click the pictures for a better view)

Can’t make it to the Comic Salon but still want some? Write us at And don’t fret if we take some time responding, as we’ll be pretty busy next week…

So come by and have a delicious shot with us, because that’s still what we do!

We’ll be back with regular episodes the comic Monday, May 30th, if all goes according to plan!

Chapter 25 // Episode 6

Thursday, May 19th, 2016


Also! We’ll be at the Comic-Salon in Erlangen next week! On the 27th and 28th on the first floor of the Rathaus with the neon green Comic Solidarity bunch!

And this time we  come bearing nice stuff for small gelders for you to take home and enjoy thoroughly! What are we talking about?? THIS!

Can’t make it to the Comic Salon but still want some? Write us at And don’t fret if we take some time responding, as we’ll be pretty busy next week…

And that’s not even all, as there’ll be even more nice stuff! (which we’ll share with you as soon as the friendly parcel service dude delivers it to us)

So come by and have a delicious shot with us, because that’s still what we do!

Chapter 25 // Episode 5

Monday, May 16th, 2016