Archive for March, 2022

Short break // EXTENSION

Thursday, March 31st, 2022


So sorry, but we didn’t get todays Episode done in time! But we’re gonna be back next week on the 14th!

And that’s a Team Sneaky super-promise!


Yepp, it’s another break. Again. We’re so sorry, but these current episodes are, well, y’know… there’s a lot going on!

We’ll be back next week. We hope. 

But there’re also some jolly tidings! There’s a new one! Felix has finally gotten himself an heir to the throne! Yes, that’s right! As of a few days ago, he’s officially a father!

Father Felix! It has a ring to it, doesn’t it? So, rejoice and metaphorically sacrifce an ungulate in his honour!

(All of which has nothing to do with why there isn’t a new episode today, of course. That’s totally that other guy’s fault, because he’s such a lazyarse)

Chapter 63 // Episode 11

Thursday, March 24th, 2022


There’s also a new voting for the next Other Tales episode happening over on patreon!

Chapter 63 // Episode 10

Thursday, March 17th, 2022



Chapter 63 // Episode 9

Thursday, March 10th, 2022

Another episode! Wooohoo! 

And this what’s happening over on patreon right now…

The 13th Other Tales Voting over on patreon concluded yesterday! And because it was a tie, we had to let chance decide! Wanna know the outcome? Watch the video, or scroll down a bit!































Want the details? Click the pic!