Archive for May, 2022

Chapter 63 // Episode 16

Thursday, May 26th, 2022

There’s also a new voting over on patreon going on! Isn’t that exciting?

Chapter 63 // Episode 15

Thursday, May 19th, 2022

There also a two new Other Tales episode online, over on patreon!

Also, the 15th Other Tales Voting concluded last week! And because it was a tie, we had to let chance decide! Wanna know the outcome? Watch the video, or scroll down a bit!































Wohoo! More artist comics! We love it! Want the details? Click the pic!

On vacation // BRB

Thursday, May 5th, 2022

It’s that time again! We’re doing a short vacation (like for real, by plane in another country and all that) but will be back soon-ish!

We’re gonna be back on May 19th!

Stay fresh, stay healthy, don’t do too much drugs until then!