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Whaaaaat is going on here? No new episode, no interlude, no note of absence? Laaaazy!!! 😉 But seriously. I waited, like, 2 am last night…!
Ooops, the monkeys messed up the livegoing-algorythm again! The post was actually online, but not on the front page… That’s what happens if you give them lazy slackers the weekend off!
And who will be the next to get a promotion?
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Whaaaaat is going on here? No new episode, no interlude, no note of absence? Laaaazy!!! 😉
But seriously.
I waited, like, 2 am last night…!
Ooops, the monkeys messed up the livegoing-algorythm again! The post was actually online, but not on the front page… That’s what happens if you give them lazy slackers the weekend off!
And who will be the next to get a promotion?