They asked me to write stuff about stuff.
Because, you know, that’s what I do, and even though you ought to know at this point, I want to make it clear right away: I write. You read.
I don’t particularily believe in all this ‘we are all part of a big becoming-process’. I’m sure you made some efforts on your part to get into this Not-DUF-controlled FictioNet-channel, being able to endulge (and comment on) it even from Cull Haven. And I could be impressed. So it’s all about freedom of speech, thought, discourse, whatever, here, right?
Except that it’s not.
I am offering something here, that is my honest approach to be an appealing liar. Seriously, getting out of the aurashadows of DUF-manufactured Particles of Fact, so to speak, does in no way mean you reached the shores of independent truth yet. After all, admittetly, there is this distance between you, my dear dirty dirt-digging monster, and your’s truly: The writer.
Of this column, at least.
The way I see it, you are probably working the mines, in a honest, hummy, my grandfather-would-have-loved-to-participate-in-a-barfight-with-you-kind of way. And why wouldn’t he? You can do stuff! With your hands, minds, feet, and all those weird parts of your bodies that you couldn’t come up with a name for that stuck. Right, monster? After all, you didn’t even bother to name your particular species; we defined the whole bunch of you as being NOT-human, so you must be a what, monster? That makes sense. After all, you are digging the mines, I am writing – as in, putting words together, making stuff up, naming things.
But, at the bottom line, the thing is: I am not doing anything, actually, right? It’s not like I’m building bridges, saving children, practicing magic for the good of mankind (or your unnamed kinds). My existence is a luxury that we all can afford, because, let’s be honest, we could do worse in Catherineborough.
So why not let the guy write, I mean, he could grab a gun or something! Sticks and stone, all that.
Still, while you are here, don’t think this is anything close to the heavenliy kingdoms of free thought. I will try my best to get these voices in my head in your head or, at least, unleash the small guy with the big hammer. This is all just a spree so far, obviously. But since I was asked to write stuff about stuff – Feel free to comment on it, feel free to not re-hack into this channel, bless me with the gratification of judging this as a shameless self-promotion – but I’ll do just that.
Serious content incoming.
I am not fiction.
Baruch Caan
He is so full of it!
I hate that guy.
I’m not reading a single word he “creates”.
Just because you have some hits on your stupid site doesn’t make you clever or funny, dumbass!!!
But what about the squirrels?!!!???
WTF Dude?!?
Wrong blog, sorry.
Cool stuff!
Btw, are you looking for real-life sculptures of yourself?
Check out my website, I’m a fully trained sculptor with two diplomas in aesthetics. I can make you hard as stone:
Concerning “Stuff about stuff.”
First of all a warm and kind hello to all you reading this presently. Well, so I do happen to have stumbled on this somewhat obscure kind of a channel surfing the vast arrays of FictioNet. And while the above enunciation excites many different sorts of questions*, I do wish – for the moment – to concentrate on one particular theme (which is, however, in some way inextricably entangled with the other questions). This I would like to call – for lack of a better term – the question of monsterhood.
The question of monsterhood to me seems to be put forward by the honorable writer of the above column as a question of consciousness.** To be human, apparently, entails the necessary condition to be able to distinguish, denominate and define – in short: identify. Which then immediately (or perhaps inadvertently) is understood as the ability to self-identify.
Monsterhood then is defined by the lack of this ability of consciousness. However, monsterhood apparently necessarily entails to be able to fulfill higher tasks: for example, to be able to read the above column (and this comment), or else the whole endeavor of the honorable writer would be pointless – an accusation I strongly refrain from putting forth. So, for the successful execution of this, obviously, some sort of abstracting consciousness is necessary. And the honorable writer himself hints at a vague hope of “get[ting] these voices in my head in your head” – which to me (do correct me if I’m wrong here) in this context reads as being able to transcend the (already abstracting) mind of the other to a self-reflexive (self-abstracting, self-identifying) level. But if successful, would a monster not by mere transcendence of consciousness become human?
So does perhaps the DUF use the denomination “monster” not in order to identify a species (or if anything a genus, a family, or even an order) different from humans, but rather in order to be able to identify the very essence of being human itself? Which is, then, not the ability to self-identify – the possibility of which seems to be granted to all abstracting consciousness, even the monsters – but the fact of a completed process*** of self-identification? Does perhaps the fascism**** of the DUF result from ontologizing this epistemological differentiation?
But still the question remains: are these all considerations perhaps well accounted for by the honorable writer of the above column himself? Do I not flatter myself by believing in my reasonably appropriate application of the method of Maieutics here, which, in turn and fact, is expertly exercised by the aforementioned writer himself? Does he, maybe, have a fundamental self-understanding as the mirror in the mirror stage of the monster? Is he opposing the imaginary, fraud, fiction? Is he NOT FICTION?
Asks this here observer – about stuff.
*e.g. the question of the promotion of a purely monodirectional medium (“I write. You read.”) in a context which is definitely not. I withhold further arguments for now.
**I do apologize if this understanding is overtly influenced by a personal affinity to questions of consciousness.
***A proposition which, in my opinion, is in stark contrast to common sense.
****I do write from a safe source, and I trust this channel is safe as well.
Really? You’re going to go to all this trouble to find a platform which isn’t DUF-controlled, and then you’re going to claim this is not about free thought? Sorry, my dear nonfictional friend, but the very act of distancing yourself from those that would control you makes you one of those who would control, at least to the level that you want to determine yourself. And those who see you do so will inevitably be influenced by it, if not necessarily by those friendly voices in your head – so your very existence is an act of war against the DUF.
I don’t know whether you’ve ever met one of their Special Agents…?
Maybe they’ll find you, maybe they won’t, maybe you, small man, might even get hold of a large hammer. I’ll be watching.
The hammer is my penis!
“Wrong blog, sorry” – AWESOME!
Thanks so much.
So long.