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8 Responses to “Chapter 23 // Finale”

  1. freakedfollower says:

    Holy shit! Beautiful and terrifying

  2. Djed Moros - Chief Barista of the Finely Ground Guild says:

    I like that the serialized version comes free with the hat.

  3. Klemmschwester says:

    Damn! This is so bad! Iยดm really scared. Help?

  4. Fox says:

    oh frakkety frakk

  5. Lesezeichen says:

    Harper is going to be wearing a tower of hats, shouting a mixture of “frakk” and something about superpowers, while mowing down Grinners left and right.

  6. imalas says:

    Damn! This was not expected! I’m loving it. Keep up the good work and Mondays worthwile!

  7. Kapam says:

    Thanks for the love, you guys! We really appreciate it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Eike says:

    Oh boy! How far have you guys planned your story??? Incredible. And all this started with two roommates who didnt throw out the trash… ๐Ÿ˜€

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