Unfortunately there wasn’t any time to show Dorianne Grey’s fight against the law-monstrosity in the regular episodes.

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4 Responses to “Chapter 62 // Episode 3”

  1. Lukas says:

    Now, if there ever was an incentive to join the Secret Circle Confidant…! 🤩

  2. MCBuhl says:

    Why are the windows broken starting panel 9? I could understand after the “SNAP” in panel 2. But so it’s illogic to me as in 3 to 8 only talking is happening???

  3. Kapam says:

    Do you mean the force field at the prison bars, MCBuhl?
    They just deactivated it after it became clear that Sneaky wouldn’t be a threat.
    Probably the Old One at around panel 7.

  4. MCBuhl says:

    Yep. The Force Fields. Didn’t recognize… Sorry

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