Tags: Baruch Caan, Claire, Dorianne Grey, Ed, George, Harper, High Priest, Michael Benn, Miranda, Rayland, Room, Sneaky, The Artist, The King, The Old One, The Proxus | » All tags
Argh, Alfred the old one on his way to fuck it up again. Nice jaket Baruch is wearing there 🙂
Oh, and why is Michael Benn loosing his high-priestness whereas the high priest doesn’t? Is he more high-priestish than Michael?
In the last panel? That’s actually the artist. Michael Benn is standing on the opposite side of the thing.
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Argh, Alfred the old one on his way to fuck it up again. Nice jaket Baruch is wearing there 🙂
Oh, and why is Michael Benn loosing his high-priestness whereas the high priest doesn’t? Is he more high-priestish than Michael?
In the last panel? That’s actually the artist. Michael Benn is standing on the opposite side of the thing.