In the interest of exposition, I’ll start from the beginning, pardon my originality. What exactly was it that changed, some twenty years back, when we said our merry goodbyes to that old king of ours? Granted that we are not talking only about some write-up attributions, not only about those “words in history books” your’s truly has a certain fascination for – granted that it’s our everyday experience of existence that shifted, somehow. And not for the worse, right? That lawmaker seemed like such a decent guy, you wanted to smoke his broad smile in bong. But to be blatantly honest with you, even after years of exposure to ridiculously well-funded pamphlets and media products, I can’t seem to find any other invention than the good old-fashioned family xenophobia of ‘let’s round up the others’. And a whole lot of rules to follow if not to ‘wake up in a dark room’, as one put it. Obviously, it’s interwoven with the apologetic claim to only oppose a drive in antipodal direction, i.e. the lawmaker did not so much create a unprecedented force, but rather balance the king’s alleged non-human/magiqual conspiracy. We’ve heard that before, we’ve all discussed that before. History is much closer to animal breeding than to science, both enterprises usually get you up to your ankles in bullshit. The kinetic energy of my thought system is somewhere else, however.
If you are reading this from Cull Haven, you’ve heard what indecencies and entropic outbursts the DUF is protecting you from: Here, in Catherineborough, we are all living in a manic rave of drugs, orgies and violence since we kicked the Department out a few years back. And don’t even ask about the areas surrounding the Contagoras mining fields! We are constantly looking for our next High, luring us out in the middle of the night like a Siren’s song and I am the twelve sea’s horniest sailor. It’s called ‘The Flow’, you know: Feeling completely in-the-moment, a state of mind where no conscious intervention into your action is necessary or even possible, movement following movement without your middle management. You are fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and in success in the process of the activity. The hallmark of flow is a feeling of spontaneous joy, even rapture, while performing a simple-enough task. You are focusing your whole consciousness on a restricted field of sensory criteria, like in dance or play or violence. A deep focus on nothing but the activity — not even oneself or one’s emotions. This loss of Ego is only possible through extreme focalisation of your attention towards narrow targets, through rigid limitation of relevance. Through easy-to-comprehend formal rules that your whole body can grasp, as in dance or play or violence. The ultimate high, the perfect zone, the flow supreme, gained by a strict set of rules that limit your reality to an almost painful level of ecstatic simplicity.
Enjoy your week, decent citizens of Cull Haven and everywhere,
Good night and a happy high
Nope, not fiction
Baruch Caan